Sunday, September 22, 2013


Go poo-free

Okay, I did this today to see if it is true.  I took a chance that my hair would be clean, since it was just before I had to get dressed for church.
If it didn't work, I wouldn't have enough time to wash again since I'm not fast moving any more, even though a friend of mine calls me "Speedy"... she was joking of course...LOL..☺

Needless to say, IT WORKED....My hair was squeeky clean without shampoo.  I also didn't use conditioner to soften or control the fly-a-ways.  But I didn't need too, my hair was soft, had a shine and fly-a-way free.  Therefore,  if you would like to give it a try and see for yourself, here is the recipe below.

Go poo-free and use baking soda as a shampoo. I mix 1-2 Tbsp to one cup warm water and spray it onto dry hair while in the shower, wait about a minute and rinse with cool water and hello salon style!!!! Great hair, no oil, no sls buildup, and can we say cheap!

Use baking soda to wash dreads too. Mix a big bucket of warm water and a little bit of lemon, and salt. Soak them in it for 5 minutes or so, then remove and let them sit in a towel then for a few minutes.  Finally rinse, they will feel clean and smell fresh.

I'm also attaching a link for the many other uses of Baking Soda.

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